Prepaid FAQ


  • No deposits, late fees, or monthly bills. You may customize a payment schedule and monitor consumption.
  • Ready to start? Complete this online application to start new or convert to prepaid service.
  • Instead of receiving a traditional paper bill each month, usage and base charge are calculated & deducted from your credit balance daily.
  • A $75 credit balance is required to start, plus any applicable one-time fees
  • It is if you prefer not to pay a deposit, reconnect/disconnect, and late fees
  • Statistics show that prepaid programs help lower electricity consumption through increased awareness of usage patterns
  • When the balance drops below $25; you may change this minimum threshold amount via the online member portal
  • You’ll receive a low balance alert via the method you choose (email and/or text message) giving you time to purchase power before the meter actually stops.
  • If you do not purchase more power, the meter will stop, and the power will turn off; however, purchasing more power is quick and easy, even on weekends and holidays.
  • Once a payment is made and the balance is $10 or more above zero, power will reconnect fairly quickly
  • Yes! You can switch to Prepaid if the location is eligible. Any existing security deposit will be applied to your account prior to converting to Prepaid. Complete this online application to convert your account